Monday, April 16, 2018

09-22 April Herron's Prayer Blog

James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries

Uganda East Africa

Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)

The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ

Heaven Is Our Home

But Christ has indeed been risen from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.  For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead come through a man.  For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.  But each in his own turn: Christ the firstfruits; then when He comes, those who belong to Him.  1 Corinthians 15:20-23

When asked where we live our first response is to give our physical address, our earthly dwelling place.  This mindset keeps our focus to the temporal rather than the enteral.  The reality and assurance of our position in Christ is clear through the Bible.  Jesus said, “…I am going away to prepare a place for you.”  John 14: 2b.  Image the place Jesus is preparing just for you.  Christ is with us as we move toward His return or our entrance into His presence.  The certainty of our heavenly home should give us peace and joy and help us as we journey to our true home on high in the presence of our loving Savior.

Prayer Requests and Praise for 09nd—16th April

Thank the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Two Weeks

(We Praise God For)

o   Our Travel to Kampala on 05th April

o   James and Upper Buvuma Island Ministry Team travel to Sigulu Island 11th-13th April

§  Six total hours on the road to and from Landing Site

§  The nearly four hours on the lake during our travel to Sigulu Island  

o   Our travel in and around Jinja Town during the past two weeks

·         We thank God for the 11 students who attended the first session of the Island’s Bible School

o   The teaching done by the Ugandan teachers

o   Ashton and Emily teaching an overview of T4T and an evangelistic method “The Two Kingdoms”

o   James teaching of the Book of Mark at the Island Bible School  

o   We thank God for all the support people who made the island Bible School possible

·         We praise God for the Ugandan pastors and church leaders who all contribute in ministering to the Peoples of the Islands  

·         We thank God for Emily and Ashton two college students from the USA who are part of our Ministry Team until late May

·         We thank God for the opportunities to introduce T4T to 40 pastors and Church Leaders on Sigulu Island this past week

·         We praise the Lord for providing and caring for our family in Uganda and in America

·         We thank God for His faithfulness and provisions in our lives

Pray for the Herron’s This Coming Week

16th–22nd April        

·         Pray for our travel in and around Jinja during this week

o   Madison’s daily commute to and from school travel

o   Pray for our Hands-On Students as they travel from the seminary to Jinja Town

·         Continue to pray that our pastors and church leaders as they are encouraged to implement the T4T Training in the churches as they reach people with the Gospel and disciple new believers  

o   Pray that we will see new Bible Study Groups emerge in the future from the training

·         Pray for our families in the USA

o   Our three sons and their families 

o   Our five grandchildren

o   The Sutton Family

o   The Dempsey Family

o   Our siblings and their families

Thanks for your prayerful support.

In HIS service

James and Sonya Herron

 "...before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)   
Meriam, interpreter, Assisting in Gospel Presentation Training

Student Present as Ashton Care for Child 

Student Presentation of Two Kingdom 
Hands-On Students Journey Person and Interpreter at Kyinja School

Hands-On Students Journey Person and Interpreter After Training

On Our Way Home  
Eating Lunch at Khasusuni Village Sigulu Island

Some of the Children at Sigulu Island

Shopping at Bugiri 

Ready to leave Khasusuni Village

Island Sunset 

Madison During Family Outing