Sunday, July 28, 2019

29 July-04 August Herron's Prayer Blog

James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries

Uganda East Africa

Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)

The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ

18 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12)  

Hope is our cord to heaven.  It allows us to keep our head above when we are buffeted by trails from many sides.  Hope lift our perspective from our weary feet in reminds us that the road we travel with Christ at our side will ultimately lead us to Heaven.  When we consider our destination the roughness or smoothness of the road ahead become to the road is less significant.  We are being trained for being in Christ continual presence and the hope of heaven.   

Thank the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Three Weeks

We Praise God for:

o   We thank God for safety as we traveled around Jinja during the past three weeks

o    Travel to Kyanja Baptist Church, Buziri Island 09th—12th July   

o   Travel to Entebbe International Airport and back to Jinja 13th July

o   Travel to Kyanja with mission team rom O’Fallon, Illinois 15th—21st July

§  Travel to:

·        Kembo Baptist Church, Buvuma Island 16th July

·       Kiruguma Baptist Church, Bwema Island 17th July

·       Wakikere Baprist Church, Bugaya Island 18th July

·       Lwazi Baptist Church, Bwema Island 19th

·       Kyanja Baptist Church, Buziri Island 20th July

·       Return to Jinja 21st July

·       We praise God for the planning and execration in preparing for the mission team form O’Fallon First Baptist Church, Illinois.

o   I thank God for the mission team from O’Fallon FBC as the led out with five medical clinics which treated 1,457 patients who lives on three islands and five villages

o   We praise God for the 237 decisions made for Jesus Christ and the efforts of our pastors and church leaders to disciple these new believers.

o   We praise God for the team safe return to America. 

o   We are thankful for the spiritual fire received from our pastors and leaders during morning and evening training they received

·       We praise God for Austin Lee, an IMB Journeyman from Illinois serving with the Island Ministries Team.

o   I thank God for his quick adjustment to living in jinja ‘

§  Securing a place to stay starting in early July

§  His contribution to the Island Ministry Team

§  His desire to do God’s will while serving here

·       We praise God for our Island Leadership Team desire to faithfully serve Christ and the people of the islands

o   Their commitment to reading the Bible as a ministry team to be able to mentor and assist our pastors spend more time in the Word of God

o   Their desire to lead our pastors in preaching the Baptist Faith and Message to better understand with the Bible say and to build a foundation to reaching and teaching the peoples of the islands

o   There desire in teaching and training our pastors and leaders to understanding and applying God’s Word to the lives of the island’s believers

·       We thank God for Sonya’s mother continued progress

·       We thank God for His faithfulness, provisions and protection in our lives during the last three weeks

29th July-04th August 2019

·       Pray for our travel in the Uganda this week

o   Our travel in and around Jinja during this week

o   James and Austin travel to the islands Thursday—Sunday this week

·       Pray for our travel to the island this week as we introduce Austin to the Buvuma Island District Leadership and the various islands Local Counsel.

·       Pray for our plans to have the Island Bible School starting the last week in august. 

·       Pray as we make plans to teach our Leadership Team to prepare them to train our pastors to use the Baptist Faith and Messages as preaching tools for the island’s pastors.

·       Pray for our regional Leaders who will be searching for prospective leaders to mentor in each congregation  

·       Pray for Austin Lee as he begins his work in Uganda

·       Pray for our families in the USA

o   Our three sons and their families 

§  Continue to pray for our oldest son, Keith as he returned to his job last week.

§  Our youngest son, Jeremy and his family, as he complete studies at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas and prepare to move to Georgia in May

§  Sonya’s mother, Mary, who was hospitalized last week but has been released

o   Our five grandchildren

o   The Sutton Family

o   The Dempsey Family

o   Stribling/Herron Family   

o   Our siblings and their families

o   Sonya’s mother who continue her treated for cancer in Cleveland, Ohio

·       Pray for our language teacher that he may come to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior

Thanks for your prayerful support.

In HIS service  

James and Sonya Herron 

Picture of Installed Generator  

Light in Our Room 

We Have Outdoors Security Lights

Light on the Kitchen and Latrine  

Traveling to the Islands 

The Team and Crew Ready to Go

Barbara Lee Teaching Before Clinic

Aldan Lee Shared Christ to these People on Bugaya Island 

Many Hearing the Gospel on Bwema Island 

O'Fallon FBC Team Members Plus Others 
The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ

Monday, July 1, 2019

01-07 July Herron's Prayer Letter

James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries
Uganda East Africa
Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)
The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ

18 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)

In john 14:6, Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”  Jesus is the one who came to set us free.  We are set free when allow the Holy Spirit to control our mind, emotions and actions more freely.  When we release control of our life to the Holy Spirit we become more free in Christ.  When we release our control to the Holy Spirit, we allow the Spirit to do His perfecting work in our lives.  We should let the Spirit thoughts to burst freely unto our consciousness and receive the abundant life Christ has to offer. Do not worry about the future, our security in in Jesus Christ, the one who died to set us free. For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his purpose. (Philippians 2:13)
Thank the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Week
We Praise God for:

o   We thank God for safety as we traveled around Jinja during the past three weeks

o   Sonya’s return from America 17th June

o   Madison’s travel to school and back during these weeks

o   Travel to Kyanja Baptist Church, Buziri Island 25th—26th June   

o   James travel to Bugiri 27th June

o   Sonya’s travel to Kampala 28th June

·         I thank God for allowing me to complete grading for the classes I taught at Uganda Baptist Seminary.

o   We thank God for the 32 students which included four females, from five East Africa nations who were my student in theology and Old Testament Survey   

·         We praise God for Austin Lee, a Journeyman from Illinois serving with the Island Ministries Team travel to Kenya for training from 1st—22nd June.

o   I thank God for his quick adjustment to living in jinja ‘

§  Securing a place to stay starting in early July

§  Organizing travel from meeting in Kenya

§  His safe return and contribution to meetings he has attended since his return

·         We praise God for our Island Leadership Team desire to faithfully serve Christ and the people of the islands

o   Their commitment to reading the Bible as a ministry team to be able to mentor and assist our pastors spend more time in the Word of God

o   Their desire to lead our pastors in preaching the Baptist Faith and Message to better understand with the Bible say and to build a foundation to reaching and teaching the peoples of the islands

·         We thank the Lord for Sonya’s return from her travel to America She was able to

o   Visit with Jason in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

o   Attend Jeremy’s graduation in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas

o   She traveled from Oklahoma City to Ft. Leavenworth, to the Chicago area and she visited her mother in Ohio

·         We thank God for Sonya’s mother continued progress

·         We thank God for His faithfulness, provisions and protection in our lives during the last three weeks

01st—07th July 2019

·         Pray for our travel in the Uganda this week

o   Our travel in and around Jinja during this week

o   James travel to the islands Friday—Sunday next week

o   Madison’s travel to and from school this week

·         Pray for the island pastors and church leaders who have begun to implement the T4T training they received earlier this year.

o   Pray that these leaders can reach new believers and begin new discipleship classes with them very soon

o   Pray that the leaders will not become discouraged if things do not go as they plan

o   Pray that strong committed believers are the results of these new discipleship classes

·         Pray for our regional Leaders who will be searching for prospective leaders to mentor in each congregation  

·         Pray for Austin Lee as he begins his work in Uganda

·         Pray for our families in the USA

o   Our three sons and their families 

§  Continue to pray for our oldest son, Keith as he returned to his job last week.

§  Our youngest son, Jeremy and his family, as he complete studies at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas and prepare to move to Georgia in May

§  Sonya’s mother, Mary, who was hospitalized last week but has been released

o   Our five grandchildren

o   The Sutton Family

o   The Dempsey Family

o   Stribling/Herron Family   

o   Our siblings and their families

o   Sonya’s mother who continue her treated for cancer in Cleveland, Ohio

·         Pray for our language teacher that he may come to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior

Thanks for your prayerful support.

In HIS service  

James and Sonya Herron
Some of the 2018 Island Bible School Getting Ready for Graduation   
The thirteen Graduates Ready to Receive Their Certificates  

James Herron Preaching During Island Bible School Gradation   

Women Ministry Teaching the Bible During Mission Team

Farming God's Way

Children Ministry Team 

Joseph Traveling from the Island

Austin Traveling from the Islands after two day visit 
The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ