Sunday, September 24, 2017

25 Septenber-01 October Herron's Prayer Blog

James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries

Uganda East Africa

Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)

The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ

Prayer Requests and Praise for 25st September-02nd 0ctober   

Thank the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Two Weeks

(We Praise God For)

·         For traveling grace for the Herrons as they traveled these past two weeks:

o   Kyindi Landing Site   

o   And as we traveled in and around the Jinja area

·         We praise God for the Immigration Hearing we have for Madison scheduled for 16th November

o   We thank God for:

§  Having arranged transportation to the US

§  The lodging and transportation we have for our stay in America

§  The opportunities to celebrate with our familiars

·         We thank God for James teaching Old Testament Survey at Uganda Baptist Seminary 12th-16th September. 

·         We praise God for hearing our prayer for our Ugandan daughter, Barbra, who was sick for a week but is now doing better

·         We also thank God for accommodations He has provided for our stay when we travel to Atlanta for Madison’s Immigration Hearing in November

·         We praise God for the counseling ministry Sonya has been doing and the many she has assisted

·         We thank God for the church dedication, Kyinja Baptist Church, last Saturday where more than 300 people celebrated the opening of the new church facility

·         We continue to thank God for the Ugandan church leaders who are working with alongside with us in reaching the islands with the Word of God

·         We praise the Lord for proving and caring for our family in Uganda and America

·         We praise god for our continual improvement in learning Luganda

·         We thank God for the Immigration Hearing scheduled for Madison on 16th November at 9:30 a.m.    

Pray for the Herrons This Week

25th September-1st October   

·         Continue to pray for our efforts to secure US Passport for Madison

o   Our travel to the US Embassy Tuesday

o   Our travel to Atlanta, GA for the Immigration Hearing Thursday 16th November

o   Pray for us as we reunite with families and friends during our time in the USA

·         Pray for the discipling process of the new believers who received Jesus during our last mission Team visits to the islands

·         Pray for our efforts to provide follow-up work in assisting our pastors/church leaders start new Bible Study Groups in their churches and in their homes of members 

·         Pray for us as we apply what we have learned during the two-week Church Planting Training sessions in meeting with our director of Mission’s Church Kyinja Baptist Church this Wednesday and Thursday 

o   The Father’s Heart and Four Field Training we have received

o   Pray that we can apply what we learn which will result in a Church Planting Movements among the peoples of the islands

·         Pray our efforts to apply what we have learn to a church planting movement on the islands

o   We pray for spiritual guidance in how to effective apply the teaching we have received to established church and start new groups which will develop into churches   

·         Pray for our family in the USA

o   Our three sons and their families 

o   Our five grandchildren

o   The Sutton Family

o   Our siblings and their families

·         Our commitment to language learning

o   Our commitment to sharing Christ in Luganda

Thanks for your prayerful support.

In HIS service

James and Sonya Herron

 "...before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)  

A Pastor-Fisherman Received Fishing Nets 

Code 117 (Mark 1:17)

A Pastor-Fisherman received a Fishing Boat

These Pastors are Fishers of Men
Island Bible Training 

Island off Mulijja Bwanika 
A View of Muti Emu Landing Site

The Road to Kampala-Jinja Kampala Road 

The Road to Kiyindi Landing Site

Our Desire to See Transformed Lives for Christ
The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ