Sunday, July 2, 2017

3nd-9th July Herron's Prayer Blog

James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries

Uganda East Africa

Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)

The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ

Praise and Prayer Request for the Week of th3rd –09th July

Have you ever come to a decision that the most important thing in your life was to?

o    Complete your education

o    Get a better job

o    Learn a new skill or

o    Find a mate

When you made that decision, what life changes did you make to accomplish your goal?  You stop partying and focus on your studies.  You became more serious about your job and career.  You took steps to improper your abilities.  You became more serious finding and settling down with that person God sent you.  As you are about these changes, what is your mind?  Your focus?  your passion and desire?  This nay become your heart’s desire and passion until you reach your goal.  You strain and make sacrifices to reach your goal.  You rejoice upon reaching your goal.

Have you ever considered, what is on the heart of God?  What does God desire?  What does He yearn to see on earth?  In the next weeks, we will consider the Heart of God.

Thank the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Week

(We Praise God For)

·         For traveling grace for the Herrons as they traveled this past week:

o   As we traveled in Nairobi, Kenya area during the week

o   And as we traveled back from Breakenhurst, Kenya to Jinja, Uganda

·         Thank God for the training we have received since the start of our Church Planting Training 16th-29th June

·         We praise God for the Church Planting Movement occurring in Madagascar and the effective use of T4T in reaching people with the Gospel and starting new Bible study groups which become churches

·         We thank God for testimony from the participants on how God is moving among the Peoples of Sub-Saharan Africa

·         We thank God for our team members as we sort out how we will apply this training to the Peoples of the Islands of Lake Victoria

·         We thank God for the Ugandan church leaders who are working with alongside with us in reaching the islands with the Word of God

·         We praise the Lord for proving and caring for our family in Uganda and America

·         We praise god for our improvement in learning Luganda  

Pray for the Herrons This Week

03rd -09th July

·         Continue to pray for our efforts to secure US VISA for Madison

o   We have made a request for a hearing in early August and late November

o   Pray that we soon receive information from the U.S. Immigration

·         Pray for the discipling process of the thirty-seven new believers who received Jesus during our last mission Team visits to the islands

·         Pray for our efforts to provide follow-up work in assisting our pastors/church leaders start new Bible Study Groups in their churches and in their homes of members 

·         Pray for us as we attempt to apply what we have learned during the two-week Church Planting Training sessions

o   The T4T Training we have received

o   Pray that we can apply what we learn which will result in a Church Planting Movements among the peoples of the islands

·         Pray our efforts to apply what we have learn to a church planting movement on the islands

o   We pray for spiritual guidance in how to effective apply the teaching we have received to established church and start new groups which will develop into churches   

·         Pray for our family in the USA

o   Our three sons and their families 

o   Our five grandchildren

o   The Sutton Family

o   Our siblings and their families

·         Our commitment to language learning

o   Our commitment to sharing Christ in Luganda

Thanks for your prayerful support.

In HIS service

James and Sonya Herron

 "...before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)
The Spiritual Need of Johannesburg

Picture of the Lost In Sub-Saharan Represented by Attendance 

Poster Requesting Prayer for the Mgoni People

Madison and Joseph at Kenya Shopping Mall

Madison Using a Tooth-Pick