Monday, November 2, 2015

Praise/Pray Requests for the Week 02-08 November 2015

James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries
Uganda East Africa
Fishers of Men (Upper Buvuma Islands)

The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ

Praise and Prayer Request for the Week 02nd—08th November

Thank the Lord With the Herrons for:

  1. Traveling grace as the Herrons traveled to and from Kampala, Entebbe the islands of Lake Victoria and around Jinja Town Uganda since our last month * 
  2.  Our being awarded custody of Madison 22nd October, (our adoption is now final) * 
  3.  The planting of a new church on an island/village where there was no Gospel presence.
  4. His protection and provision for us in the island ministry * 
  5.  The visit from Pastor Dewayne Taylor from Illinois
—The Discipleship Conference conducted by Pastor Dewayne

—Safe travel throughout Uganda and the island

—Safe visit and travel home


Pray for the Herrons This Week

  1.  Pray that God’s wisdom and ability to teach and prepare island pastors and church leader during this week Regional Discipleship Training (Wednesday—Saturday) * 
  2. Pray for traveling grace as he travel on the road and on the water this week * 
  3.  Pray that the participants will allow the Holy Spirit to teach and convict them of any changes they need to make in order to become more effective in ministering to the peoples of the islands.    
  4.  Pray for these pastors and church leaders as they equip themselves to reaching the lost, discipling new believers and planting indigenous island churches.    
  5. Pray for our continual language learning  
  6. Our commitment to sharing Christ in Luganda this week 
  7. Our witness to our Language teacher
Thanks for your prayerful support.

In HIS service

James and Sonya Herron


 "...before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)

Joseph (UBIBM) Bro. Peter, Baptist Union of Uganda and Pastor Dewayne, from Illinois,

James and Pastor Dewayne at Kiyandi Landing Site

Pastor Dewayne being Transported from Boat

Discipleship Training Kiko Baptist Church  

Pastor Dewayne Teaching Kiko Baptist Church


Showing Jesus Film Kyanja Baptist Church

Pastor Dewayne Discipleship Training Lwazi Baptist Church

Some of the attendees Discipleship Training Lwazi Baptist Church

Attendees arriving at Lwazi Baptist Church

Full House for Jesus Film Kyanja

Sunday Discipleship Training Kyanja

Herron Family Sonya Madison and James

Joseph, our Ugandan Son 18th Birthday Party

Some of Joseph School Mates