James and Sonya
Herron, IMB Missionaries
Uganda East Africa
Fishers of Men (Upper Buvuma Islands)
The vision of the International
Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and
nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ
Prayer Praise for the Week
07th—13th September
Thank the Lord for:
- Traveling grace as the Herrons traveled to and from Kampala, Kabala and around Jinja Town Uganda
- Sonya speaking in a Women’s Conference attended by women in a large District
- The cooperation of our pastors and church leadership in ministering and discipling the believers who have accepted Christ during the medical team
- God's protection and provision for us and the island ministry
Pray for the Herrons
This Week
- Pray that God’s provision for the pastors/church leaders as they minister in difficult situations on the islands
- Pray for their family’s needs
- Strength in strong faith to be patient and wait on the Lard and not trust God but take things in their own hands
- Provision be made for those families who are in need of school fees
- Pray for these pastors and church leaders as they equip themselves to reaching the lost, discipling new believers and planting indigenous island churches.
- Pray for the Herrons as they minister to the peoples of the Islands of Lake Victoria
- Mentoring, encouragement and training of island Pastors in discipling the 234 persons who received Christ during the Medical Mission
- Pray for our continual language learning
- Our commitment to sharing Christ in Luganda this week
- Our witness to our Language teacher
In HIS service
and Sonya Herron