Tuesday, March 4, 2025

03rd–9th March 2025 Herron's Prayer Letter


James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries

Uganda East Africa

Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)

The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ


Antefasy of Madagascar

2025 Status Update

Challenges We’ve Faced

    Though the Antefasy call themselves Christians, many believe their ancestors are the intermediaries         between them and God, and they seek help from witch doctors. In their works-based belief system,         Christianity is a backup plan to get to heaven. They believe the requirement to be a Christian is to         attend church on Sundays. Very few churches faithfully teach the gospel. 

How You Can Pray  

  • Pray for the few Antefasy believers who are making disciples and working to start healthy churches.
  • Ask God to reveal his true Word to the Antefasy.
  • Pray for new believers to boldly turn away from ancestor worship.

Praise God for His Faithfulness from 16th February—02nd March 2025 

Thank the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Two Weeks

We Praise God for:

  •  Traveling Grace:
    •  As James and Sonya traveled around the Jinja area during the last two weeks.
      • James and Joseph Wafula traveled to and from Sigulu Island – Nampongwe for Evangelism and Discipleship training for the team who will be evangelizing the people who will receive the Tools and Seeds to be distributed during the coming mission team next week.  
    •  As the Herrons as they traveled in and around the Jinja area during the past week.
    •  We thank God for the 250 persons who attended Farming God’s Way Training and were exposed to the Gospel of Christ
  • We praise God for the fifty-seven persons who accepted Christ as Lord and Savior.
  • We thank God for the people who are requesting that a new church be planted in their village to accommodate the twelve new believers from their village.   
  • Pastor Odongo and the Hasusuni Baptist Church for their commitment to the discipleship of the 57 people who accepted Christ during the Farming God’s Way Training.  


Pray for the Herron’s This Coming Week

03rd—10th March 2025

  • Pray for our travel this week:
    • As we travel around jinja this week.
    • Sonya driving in and around Jinja area during the week.
  • Pray that the Herrons would be light and salt to the people they meet this week.
  • Pray that the Herrons will be given the words to share to others about Jesus and how they might receive the salvation from God offered through a relationship with Christ.
  • Pray for meeting scheduled concerning the Upper Buvuma Island Baptist Ministry (UBIBM).
  • Pray for God’s provision for the coming months as the Herrons has many opportunities to expand their work to different islands on Lake Victoria. 
  • Pray for the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of the Herron’s.
  •  Pray that God will give the Herrons insight and spiritual wisdom in making wise ministry decisions as they engage in ministering on the island.
  •  Pray for our families in the USA: 
    • Our three sons and their families 
    • Our oldest son Keith in Memphis, Tennessee
    • Our middle son, Jason, and his wife Marsha and their two sons Jacob and Joshua
    • Our youngest son, Jeremy, and his wife Jennifer, and his three children, Ki, Colie, and Cy as he serves in the Army in stationed on Stuttgart, Germany.   
      • Babra in Heidelberg, Germany
      • Madison as she attends boarding school in Kenya.
  • Pray for our siblings, aunts and uncles and their families.

In HIS service  

James and Sonya Herron

 "...before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)   

Pastor Safanie Preaching on Zirru-Muto Baptist Church

Members of Zirru-Muto Baptist Church

More Biblical Instruction to the People of this Island

Time to Travel Home

Other Islands at a Distance 

Some of the Children 

We have been away for a while, but we are committed to providing a weekly update of our ministry activities.  Please keep us in prayer as we endeavor to keep you informed.

In HIS service


James and Sonya Herron


 "...before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language