Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Herron's Prayer Blog-30 October—05 November 2023

 James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries

Uganda East Africa

Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)

The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ


55 in 5

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus …"  (1 Timothy 2:1,3-4)

Pray for the Ngiri of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Ngiri live in a heavily forested area on the edge of the largest freshwater wetland in all of Africa. They were once renowned warriors but today they are looked down upon and discriminated as “those forest people.” The Ngiri face the challenges of poverty, poor hygiene, alcoholism, domestic violence, fear of sorcery, and a shortage of opportunities to grow intellectually, spiritually, and economically.

The Ngiri are primarily farmers; women tend the crops while men fish, hunt and clear the farmland. While the Ngiri reject non-Christian religions such as Buddhism and Islam, they don’t worship the one true God, and few understand the gospel. Instead, they practice a form of religion that involves ancestor and spirit worship.

·       Pray that God would place a longing in the hearts of these “people of the forest” to know Him.

·       Pray for current work being done by Seed Company to translate the New Testament into the heart language of the Ngiri.

·       Ask God to make a way to reach isolated villages in this vast and heavily forested area.

Praise God for His Faithfulness from 09th–29th October 2023 

Thank the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Two-Weeks

We Praise God for:

  • Traveling Grace:
    •  As the Herrons travel to Entebbe to pick-up the mission team from O’Fallon, Illinois
      • As James traveled to the islands with the Mission Team from O’Fallon First Baptist Church (OFBC)
      • We thank God for protection as we travel over nine hours on the waters of Lake Victoria. 
    • As the Herrons traveled in and around the Jinja area during the past two weeks.
  •  We give thank to God for the O’Fallon First Baptist Church (FBCO) mission team and their ability to adjust to not having the medical clinics and providing training to the people of the islands and evangelism training and application.
    • We praise God for discipleship, and evangelism training taught by the FBCO Mission Team.
    • We praise God for the nine teams of mission team member, pastors and church leaders and women who made up the evangelism team that visited:
      • Four islands
      • Six village churches
      • Witnessed to over 400 people and
      • Saw 193 people accepted Christ as Lord and Savior Upper Buvuma Island
      • More than 100 persons were discipled at the time they accepted Christ.
      • All the new believers were connected to a village church that is committed to discipling the new believers.
  • We thank God for the Upper Buvuma Island Baptist Ministry (UBIBM) Leadership Team and their work with the mission team this past week and their continual work in reaching and expanding the ministry of reaching the lost people of the islands.
  • We thank God for His provision and allowing us to minister to the peoples of the islands.
  • We also praise God for keeping us in good physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Pray for the Herron’s This Coming Week

30th October—05th November 2023

  • Pray for our travel this week:
    • James and Wafula Joseph travels to Iganga this Friday and Saturday Bible Study with local pastors November 03rd and 04th.
    • Travel around Jinja area this week.
  • Pray for the Upper Buvuma Ministry Team as they work toward reaching six new Islands with the Gospel of Christ and start eight new churches on these islands and planting of eight new churches in the Buvuma Island District.
  • Pray for the mission team from O’Fallon FBC as they return to Illinois after beinig on the islands for six days this Tuesday 31st October.
  • Pray that the Herrons would be light and salt to the people they meet this week. 
  • Pray that the Herrons will be given the words to share to others about Jesus and how they might receive the salvation from God offered through a relationship with Christ.
  • Pray for the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of the Herrons.
  • Pray that God will give the Herrons insight and spiritual wisdom in making wise ministry decisions as they engage in ministering on the island.
  •  Pray for our families in the USA. 
    • Our three sons and their families 
      • Our oldest son Keith in Memphis, Tennessee
      • Our middle son, Jason, and his wife Marsha and their two sons Jacob and Joshua
      • Our youngest son, Jeremy, and his wife Jennifer, and his three children, Ki, Colie, and Cy as he serves in the Army in stationed on Stuttgart, Germany.   
      • Babra in Heidelberg, Germany
  • Pray for our siblings, aunts and uncles and their families.

In HIS service  

James and Sonya Herron

 "...before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)   


55 in 5 Resources