James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries
Uganda East Africa
Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)
The vision of the International
Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and
nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ
for the Bozo of Mali
2 He saw two boats at the edge of the lake;
the fishermen had left them and were washing
nets. 3 He got into one of the boats, which belonged to Simon, and
asked him to put
a little from the land. Then He sat down and was teaching the crowds from the
5:2-3 HCSB)
The Bozo are a nomadic group of fishermen.
They travel searching for fish in order to both provide food for their families
and to sell as a source of income. Due to their constant migration, many Bozo
have little or no schooling, causing many to be illiterate and even more
dependent on their way of life. We could learn a lot from these fishermen, by
seeking out and going where the fish are as we “fish for men!” What a great day
it would be if Bozo peoples would come to know Christ as their Savior and
spread the good news as they travel all around.
Pray for the Bozo of Mali
- for audio Scriptures to be developed for the Bozo.
- for Christians to share the good news with Bozo men who are currently fishing in the capital city’s river, since there is unrest in the areas they normally travel. Ask God to soften fishermen’s hearts during this time when they are a little less migratory.
- for God to use the Bozo to spread the good news to others.
Praise God for the
Week of 01st
--07th June
Thank the Lord with the
Herrons for the Past Week
We Praise God for:
- Traveling grace for the Herrons during the past week:
- We thank God for safety for the limited travel around Jinja during the past week.
- We thank God for continually keeping us in good physical, emotional and spiritual health during the last week.
- We continue to be thankful for the time we have with our family during this time of lifted restrictions and the time we have been out as a family.
- We continually thank God for our good and adjustment to having everyone at home and limiting our exposure to the outside world.
- We thank God for Madison’s good adjustment in school as she has two more weeks of cyber schooling.
- Our island pastor being able to minister to their villages and evangelize their communities with the Gospel of Christ.
Pray for the Herron’s This Coming Week
15th –21st June
- Pray for our travel this week
o James and Sonya travels to Kiyindi
Landing on Monday, and throughout Jinja and surrounding area this week.
- Pray for us as we are to self-isolate as commanded by our leadership for May
- Pray that we continue to redeem the time and spend time getting closer to one another and Christ during this time.
- Pray for the Island Ministry Team as we adjust to ministering on the islands even though they are confined to reside.
- Pray for those are affected by the rising waters of Lake Victoria flooding homes, fields and destroying crops and fruit trees
- Pray for Wakikere Baptist Church, Bugaya Island which has been flooded by Lake Victoria and the congregation has been displaced.
- Pray for the people of Buvuma Island District because of the rising level of Lake Victoria and the restrictions placed on travel from the islands to the mainland.
- Pray for Austin and his roommate Joseph (another IMB Journeymen) during this time of self-isolation as they adjust to this confinement
- Pray for our Pastors and Church leaders on the islands as they minister to the people on the island during this time because they are unable to travel, they are not able to work to provide for their family
- Pray for our plans for continue ministry when we are allowed to travel.
- That God will direct our plans for resuming ministry.
- That our priorities are directed by God.
- We have insight from the Holy Spirit and our plans to resume ministry.
- Pray that God give us insight and wisdom to make wise decisions as we engage in ministering on the island again.
- Pray that we will be able to secure a Student Visa for Madison
- Pray for our families in the USA
o Sonya mother, Mary Sutton,
in a nursing home in Cleveland, Ohio.
o Our three sons and their
o Continue to pray for our
oldest son Keith, that we will allow God to direct his life.
o Our youngest son, Jeremy and
his family as he serves in the Army in Ft. Stewart Georgia
o Our five grandchildren
o The Sutton Family
o The Dempsey Family
o Stribling/Herron Family
o Our siblings and their
In HIS service
and Sonya Herron
"...before me was
a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and
language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)
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Fishermen in Bamako, Mali |
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Rising Lake Victoria Taking the Main Road Kiyindi Landing Site |
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Lake Victoria Taking the Land, Kiyindi Landing Site |
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Rising River and Land Slides in Bundibugyo |
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The Rising Water Destroys Homes and Churches |
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Water has taken lives, land and housing in Bamako |
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The Rising Lake Victoria taking Housing on Kyanja Landing Site |
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The Water has Overtaken the Borehole at Kyanja Landing Site (Where the island receive their water.) |
The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ