James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries
Uganda East Africa
Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)
The vision of the International
Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and
nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ
Every year Muslims spend an entire month in a
concentrated time of fasting. They may fast because their family has always
fasted, or because it is expected of them from their community, or because they
feel the need to gain favor with Allah, or perhaps all the above. Regardless,
Muslims highly anticipate the social festivities and sense of community
fostered by the month-long festival, called Ramadan.
Yet the hovering threat of a global pandemic
may demand that this year’s Ramadan be different. There may never have been a
Ramadan in history when Muslims would feel so acutely the need to be right
before God. As we all feel the fragility of humankind and our lack of control
over our circumstances, Muslims may enter this season of Ramadan even more
eager to earn their holiness before Allah.
The good news the world needs right now—that
Muslims need right now—has already been delivered through a Savior. As Muslims
pray and fast, may we as the bride of Christ not fail to fast and pray to the
one, true God for their salvation.
This month pray for the one billion Muslims
around the world. Pray like their life depends on it. Pray for God to move in
incredible ways. Pray that today would be the day of salvation for many across
the world. We know people from every nation, tribe, people, and language will
be before the throne. As you pray this month, ask God for one more nation. One
more tribe. One more people group. One more language where his praises ring
out. Now is the time to intercede like never before.
God for 20th–26th April
the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Week
We Praise God for:
- Traveling grace for the Herrons during the past week:
We thank God for
safety for the limited travel around Jinja during the past week.
- We thank God for our continued good health and having more time with our family during this time of extended “Shelter in Place.”
- We thank God for our continual good adjusting to having everyone at homme and limiting our exposure to the outside world.
- We thank God for Madison’s positive adjustment be being homeschool until school resume in the future.
- Madison is to start On-Line Home School since 20th April
- Our being able to adjust to being home and ministering using the internet and phone.
- The islands Pastor being able to minister to their communities by using the community public loudspeakers system and the people who have accepted Christ as a result of their preaching and witnessing.
- The assistance we received from O’Fallon FBC to provide emergency food supplies to our island pastors and their family and the impact this has had on our pastors and their families
April—03rd May 2020
- Pray for the limited travel this week
James and Sonya
travels throughout Jinja and surrounding area this week
- Pray for us as we are to self-isolate as commanded by our leadership for April
Pray for us as we are
confined to our compound during this time.
Pray that we redeem the
time and spend time getting closer to one another and Christ during this time.
- Pray for the Island Ministry Team as we adjust to ministering to Austin and his roommate during this time of self-isolation
- Pray for our Pastors and Church leaders on the islands as they minister to the people on the island during this time because they are unable to travel, they are not able to work to provide for their family
- Pray for our planning to distribute food, first aid kits and Mama Kits on Sigulu Island once we are able to travel about.
- Continue to pray for Gardendale FBC Uganda Mission 2020 team who were unable to travel to Uganda for their 15th-20th Mission Trip because of the Coronavirus
- Pray for their desire to minister to the peoples of the island because of the economic effect of the Coronavirus.
- Pray for our families in the USA
Our three sons and
their families
Continue to pray for
our oldest son Keith, that we will allow God to direct his life.
Our youngest son,
Jeremy and his family,
For Sonya’s mother,
Mary, who is making progress after surgery
Our five grandchildren
The Sutton Family
The Dempsey Family
Our siblings and
their families
- Pray for our language teacher that he may come to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior
In HIS service
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The Menu and Meal Madison Prepared-with some help-Sunday 26 Aril |
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The Menu Madison Prepared |
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The Cake and Salad Prepared for Dinner |
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Madison Baking a Stove Top Cake (This is what we are doing during the shutdown.) |
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Finished Product |
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Easter Day Family Picture |
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A Picture of Sonya, Madison and Babra |
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Capita Face Mask from Uganda |
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This is the Wrong Anti-Virus |
The vision of the International
Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and
nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ