Tuesday, January 8, 2019

07-13 January Herron's Prayer Blog

James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries

Uganda East Africa

Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)

The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ

13Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13 HCSB)

Jesus softly announce His presence to us.  The shimmering radiance of His glory embraces us. Jesus has all power in Heaven and earth, yet He is infinitely tender with us.  The weaker we are the more gently He approaches us.  We are to let our weakness be an entrance to His presence.  Whenever we feel inadequate, remember,God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.”  (Psalms 46:1 HCSB)
The hope we have in Christ is our protection we have from depression, and self-pity.  The golden cord connecting us to Heaven is the hope we have in Jesus Christ.  the more we cling to hope, the more Christ bears the weight of our burden. 12 Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.  (Romans 12:12 HCSB).  Cling to hope and then glorious light of Christ Jesus will reach through the darkness and embrace us in His love.  
 Praise for 31st December 2018—06th January 2019    
Thank the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Week
(We Praise God For the past Week)
o   We thank God for safety as we traveled around Jinja during the week
o   James travel to Kiyindi Landing Site
o   The family travel to Kampala
·         We thank God for a time of rest with family and friends this past week
·         We thank God for our Ugandan pastors and church leaders who all contribute in ministering to the Peoples of the Islands.  
·         We thank the Lord for providing and caring for our family in Uganda and in America
·         We thank God for His faithfulness, provisions and protection in our lives
07th –13th January 2019
·         Pray for our travel in the Uganda this week
o   Our travel in and around Jinja during this week
o   James travel to Kampala Wednesday 09th January
o   Travel to Kiyindi Landing Site Saturday 12th January 
·         Pray for the farming God’s Way Training this week
o   Kalambi Baptist Church, Bugaya Island Tuesday and Wednesday  
o   Kiruguma Baptist Church, Bwema Island, Thursday and Friday
o   Pray for the 200 participants who will receive information to be better farmers
o   Pray that there will be those who make decisions for Jesus Christ during these training sessions
o   Pray for the four trainers who will be teaching FGW
o   Pray for safety on the waters as the team travel this week  
·         Pray for us and our regional Leaders who will be searching for prospective leaders to mentor in each congregation  
·         Continue to pray for Ziiru-Muto Baptist Church, is a church on Ziiru-Muto Island where there are witch doctors and spiritual warfare:
·         Pray for our monthly Ministry Team Meeting with our three Regional Leaders on Tuesday:
·         Pray for the pastors and church leaders as they are encouraged to implement the T4T Training in the churches as they reach people with the Gospel and disciple new believers  
o   Pray that we will see new Bible Study Groups emerge in the future from the training
·         Pray for our families in the USA
o   Our three sons and their families 
o   Our five grandchildren
o   The Sutton Family
o   The Dempsey Family
o   Stribling/Herron Family in the home-going of Georgia Herron Stribling
o   Our siblings and their families
·         Pray for our language teacher that he may come to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior
Thanks for your prayerful support.
Thanks for your prayerful support.
In HIS service  
James and Sonya Herron
 "...before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)   

Medical Clinic 2018 

Preparing for Dinner (Mission team March 2017)

Medical Clinic Kiruguma Village Bwema Island

Farming God Way Training 2018  

Discipleship Training 

Tuesday Bible Class September 2018 

Island Bible School May 2018

Home after Church with some of Acacia CC Youth

The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ