Prayer Requests
and Praise for 04th—17th June
Thank the Lord with the
Herrons for the Past Weeks
(We Praise God For)
o Five trips to Kiyindi Landing Site and
o Trip to the Islands
§ Over seven hours on the lake)
§ Visited four islands
o Our travel in and around Jinja Town during the past week
o Madison’s daily travel to and from school for the last
two weeks
We thank the Lord
for the Ugandan pastors and church leaders who all contribute in ministering to
the Peoples of the Islands
Thank the Lord for
Sonya leading a lady to the Lord today
We praise the Lord
for providing and caring for our family in Uganda and in America
We thank God for His
faithfulness, provisions and protection in our lives
Pray for
the Herron’s This Coming Week
Pray for our travel
in and around Jinja during this week
Madison’s daily
commute to and from school travel Monday and Tuesday
The Herrons travel
to the USA
Our travel to
Kampala and Entebbe on Wednesday 13th June
Our travel to
Brussel on Thursday 14th June
Our arrival in St.
Louis Thursday evening
Our travel to Ft.
Leavenworth, Kansas Friday 14th June (by automobile)
To Oklahoma City, OK
Saturday 15th June
pray for 40 of our Pastors
and Church Leaders who will be in training Wednesday-Saturday learning how to
disciple new believers who will be obedient and committed followers of Christ
pray for our leaders
as they are encouraged to implement the T4T Training in the churches as they
reach people with the Gospel and disciple new believers
Pray that we will see
new Bible Study Groups emerge in the future from the training
Pray for our
families in the USA
Our three sons and
their families
Our five
The Sutton Family
The Dempsey Family
Our siblings and
their families
Pray for our
language teacher that he may come to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior
Thanks for your prayerful
In HIS service
and Sonya Herron
"...before me was
a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and
language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)
Bible Study Students Listen to the Lesson |
Medical Clinic at Kyanja |
Bible Distribution to New Believer |
Having a Meal on the Island |
Island Bible School Class |
Discipleship Training and Pastoral Meeting |
A Patient Receive Terminal Care Bucket |
Mother and Daughter on Mother Day |