Monday, November 6, 2017

6-12 November Herron's Prayer Blog

James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries
Uganda East Africa
Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)

The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ

Prayer Requests and Praise for 06th –12th November   

How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? (Hebrews 2:3)

Have you consider the salvation you have through Jesus Christ?  When we consider the great lengths and depth of the love of God to provide our salvation, what is our response?  Do we neglect the greatness of our salvation as we do physical things.  We may treat our great salvation as we treat the deed of our house, the manual of our automobile or even our national ID.

What is our salvation that we may neglect.  The Author of this scripture is saying, don’t neglect being loved by God.  Don’t neglect the forgiveness, acceptance protection, strengthen and guidance from God.  Don’t neglect the death of Christ on the cross for payment of our sins, nor the righteousness imputed on us by faith.  We should not neglect the removal of God’s wrath because of the payment of our sin debt.

Being a Christian is a serious business therefore we should not neglect our great salvation.  To do so is to undermine the great price paid for our salivation.  It is refreshing to see a person who was wrapped in darkness to see and receive the glorious light of the grace of God and abandon all for Christ sake a we have seen a man who was a leader in the Muslim faith has given his life to Christ.    

 Thank the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Week Blessings
(We Praise God For)
  • ·         Safe traveling grace for the Herrons as they traveled this past week:

o   To Kampala (24th October)
o   Kyindi Landing Site--Twice   
o   And as we traveled in and around the Jinja area
o   As we travel to the islands
§  Kyanja Baptist Church,            Buziri Island
§  Traveled 2:15 on the lake
  • ·         We continue to thank God for the Ugandan church leaders who are working with alongside with us in reaching the islands with the Word of God
  • ·         We praise God for provisions for five pastors to assist them provide for their family, congregation and ministry of the islands
  • ·         The impact of Kyanja Church reaching the community

o   The training of 27 church member to disciple new believers
o   The church having over 200 members
o   The baptism of 13 new believers in October
o   The discipleship of forty new Believers   
  • ·         We praise the Lord for proving and caring for our family in Uganda and America
  • ·         We thank God for the Immigration Hearing scheduled for Madison on 16th November at 9:30 a.m.    
  • ·         We praise god for our continual improvement in learning Luganda

Pray for the Herrons This Coming Week
05th –12th November  
  • ·         Pray for our plans for visiting families and friends when we travel to the USA

o   Our traveling to the USA this Friday 10th November at 6:30 p.m.
o   Our travel to Atlanta, GA for the Immigration Hearing Thursday 16th November
o   Pray for us as we reunite with families and friends during our time in the USA
  • ·         Pray for our continual discipling process of the new believers who received Jesus during our last mission Team visits to the islands

o   Kyanja Church in their attempt to reach the peoples of Buziri Island
o   Pray for their efforts to teach their leaders to disciple new believers using T4T
o   Regional T4T Training scheduled for 12th-15th November
o   General T4T Training December 10th-15th  
o   Pray that we will see new Bible Study Groups emerges from the training the people receive in the future 
  • ·         Pray for our efforts to provide follow-up work in assisting our pastors/church leaders start new Bible Study Groups in their churches and in their homes of members 
  • ·         Pray our efforts to apply what we have learn to a church planting movement on the islands

o   We pray for spiritual guidance in how to effective apply the teaching we have received to established church and start new groups which will develop into churches   
  • ·         Pray for our Island Bible School this week Monday-Friday 6th–10th November

o   Pray for the students who will be leaving their families and livelihood for the week of Bible studies
o   Pray that the students will be able to apply what they learn with their church and the results be souls who come to receive Christ as Lord and Savior and become disciplers of new believers 
o   Pray as the student sit for their final examinations
  • ·         Pray for our family in the USA

o   Our three sons and their families 
o   Our five grandchildren
o   The Sutton Family
o   The Dempsey Family
o   Our siblings and their families
  • ·         Pray for our travel to around jinja this week
  • ·         Our commitment to language learning

o   Our commitment to sharing Christ in Luganda

Thanks for your prayerful support.

In HIS service

James and Sonya Herron

 "...before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)