James and Sonya Herron, IMB Missionaries
Uganda East Africa
Island Ministry team (Upper Buvuma Islands)
The vision of the International
Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and
nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ
Praise for 21st
August-3rd September
Thank the Lord with the
Herrons for the Past Two Weeks
(We Praise God For)
For traveling grace
for the Herrons as they traveled these past two weeks:
Kyindi Landing Site
And as we traveled in
and around the Jinja area
We praise God for
the progress we have made in securing a VISA for Madison to travel freely to out
of Uganda
We also thank God
for accommodations He has provided for our stay when we travel to Atlanta for
Madison’s Immigration Hearing in November
Pray for the 162 who
are being sought by the different church for discipleship follow-up
Pray or the
fishermen who left for other islands that God would impress upon their hearts
they need for a Savior and Lord for their lives
We thank God for the
Island Bible School conducted 6-11 August
The twenty-five
students who are learning the bible to be able to teach and train believers
The 10 ladies who
are being trained to minister to children, youths and other ladies on the
The commitment of
our pastors, church leaders who have faithfully attended the bible school since
February of this year
We thank God for the
Ugandan church leaders who are working with alongside with us in reaching the
islands with the Word of God
We praise the Lord
for proving and caring for our family in Uganda and America
We praise god for our
continual improvement in learning Luganda
We thank God for the
Immigration Hearing scheduled for Madison on 16th November at 9:30
Pray for the Herrons
This Week
04th-10th September
04th-10th September
Continue to pray for
our efforts to secure US Passport for Madison
Our travel to the
USA and for travel to Atlanta, GA for the Immigration Hearing Thursday 16th
Pray for us as we
reunite with families and friends during our time in the USA
Pray that we soon
receive information from the U.S. Immigration
Pray for the discipling
process of the new believers who received Jesus during our last mission Team
visits to the islands
Pray for our efforts
to provide follow-up work in assisting our pastors/church leaders start new
Bible Study Groups in their churches and in their homes of members
Pray for us as we apply
what we have learned during the two-week Church Planting Training sessions in
meeting with our director of Mission’s Church Kyinja Baptist Church this Wednesday
and Thursday
The Father’s Heart
and Four Field Training we have received
Pray that we can
apply what we learn which will result in a Church Planting Movements among the
peoples of the islands
Pray our efforts to
apply what we have learn to a church planting movement on the islands
We pray for
spiritual guidance in how to effective apply the teaching we have received to
established church and start new groups which will develop into churches
Pray for our family
in the USA
Our three sons and
their families
Our five
The Sutton Family
Our siblings and
their families
Our commitment to
language learning
Our commitment to
sharing Christ in Luganda
Thanks for your prayerful
In HIS service
and Sonya Herron
"...before me was
a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and
language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)
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Children Ministry at Kibizi Baptist Church (O'Fallon Mission Team) |
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Some of the 140 Children Having Fun and Learning Kibizi BC (O'Fallon Mission Team) |
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Ministering to the Youth and Children Kalambi BC (O'Fallon Mission Team) |
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Some People receiving Needed Assistance Kiko Baptist Chirch (O'Fallon Mission Team) |
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Children Learning about Christ Kiko BC (O'Fallon Mission Team) |
Hearing the Gospel as they wait to see the doctor Kiko BC (O'Fallon Mission Team) |
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Playing with a ball-Kiko BC (O'Fallon Mission Team) |
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Children at Play Kiko Baptist Church (O'Fallon Mission Team) |
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"Reaching All" Exercise Kyinja BC |
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Iron Sheets for New Church |
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O'Fallon Mission Team, Julie, Team Leader Nathanael and Wayne |
The Father's Heart Training-Kyinja Baptist Church |
Bicycles for Island Pastors |
Sonya and Madison Going to the Islands with our dog Butterball |
The vision of the International Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ