James and Sonya
Herron, IMB Missionaries
Uganda East Africa
Fishers of Men (Upper Buvuma Islands)
The vision of the International
Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and
nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ
Praise and Prayer Request
for the Week 18th—24th July
(We Praise God For)
- Praise God for traveling grace as the Herrons traveled to Entebbe, Kampala, and around Jinja Town during the past week
- The mission team from Illinois, O’Fallon First Baptist Church 14th—27th July
- Safe travel from America to Uganda
- Their safe travel from the airport in Entebbe to Jinja
- The team’s adjustment to Uganda
- Our continual work of mentoring and developing Upper Buvuma Island Baptist Ministry leaders
- The continue spiritual growth we are seeing in our island ministry team
- Our continue development and improvement in language learning
- Blessing of a computer for our ministry in serving the peoples of the islands of Lake Victoria
Pray for the Herrons
This Week
18th—24th July
- Our continual efforts to secure US VISA for Madison
- Pray for the work we have to do in sponsoring our next mission team from our home church, O’Fallon First Baptist Church, O’Fallon, 14th—27th July
- The Children/Youth Ministry Training the team will do in training Children and Youth Ministers from our islands churches
- Securing supplies for the team and Ugandan workers
- Complete care and cleaning of the tents the teams will use during their stay here
- Pray for many opportunities to further share the Gospel of Christ as a results of the training and inspiration from the mission team from O’Fallon FBC
- Pray for the participants to learn, be able to teach the Bible effectively and correctly in their own churches, and be able to teach other churches how to prepare and teach Bible lessons also be equip to teach other congregations.

- Pray for our continual language learning
- Our commitment to sharing Christ in Luganda this week
- Our witness to our Language teacher
Thanks for your prayerful
In HIS service
and Sonya Herron
"...before me was a great multitude that no one
could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation
7:9 (NIV)
Mission team Leading Music
Proving assistance to islands visitors
Some team members from Texas
Picture of bird on our compound
Madison playing at home
Island children (Kyinja)
Other Island Children (Bugugay)
James traveling on the Lake
Traveling to an island conference
"...before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation 7:9 (NIV)