James and Sonya
Herron, IMB Missionaries
Uganda East Africa
Fishers of Men (Upper Buvuma Islands)
The vision of the International
Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and
nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ
Praise and Prayer Request
for the Week 06th—13th June
Thank the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Week 29th
May—06th June
(We Praise God For)
- Praise God for traveling grace as the Herrons traveled to the islands, and around Jinja Town Uganda this past week
- Traveling over four (4) hours on the lake this with mission a team from Alabama this past week
- Traveling around Jinja Town and to and from Kyinda Landing Site
- The Gardendale FBC Mission Team traveling on the islands and Jinja, also to Entebbe to for their return trip home on Friday
- We thanks the Lord for the present and ministry of Gardendale FBC mission teams
- The fourteen new believers who accepted Christ during the Farming God’s Way Introduction
- A Muslim man who received Christ after he brought his family in order for them to also hear the Gospel
- The Tool and Seed Ministry which minister to 157 families
- The smooth operation of witnessing to the recipients of the Tool and Seed Ministry
- The effective disturbing of the tools and seeds to the recipients
- The ministry to the women of the island (Personal Hygiene)
- Our development and improvement in language learning
Pray for the Herrons
This Week
06th—13th June
- Our continual efforts to secure US VISA for Madison
- Pray for the follow-up work after the Mission Team from Gardendale FBC
- Discipling of the new believers who accepted Christ Tuesday and Wednesday
- Utilizing the positive reactions from the communities affected by the Tool and Seeds Ministry to sharing the Gospel to many on Buguya and Buzira Island who may be opened to hearing the Gospel
- Pray for the Ugandans who was exposed to the Gospel as a results of the mission team from Gardendale FBC
- Pray for our continual language learning
- Our commitment to sharing Christ in Luganda this week
- Our witness to our Language teacher
Thanks for your prayerful
In HIS service
and Sonya Herron
"...before me was a great multitude that no one
could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation
7:9 (NIV)
Members from Gardendale FBC sorting Meds for First Aid Kits |
All were involved in this work |
Having Lunch at a Jinja Restaurant |
Traveling to the Islands |
Preparing to Minister to the Peoples of the Islands |
Some of the 290 people wo were ministered to |
Sharing the real Good News |
some of the tools and seed provided to the peoples of the islands |
Some of the Peoples of the Islands |