James and Sonya
Herron, IMB Missionaries
Uganda East Africa
Fishers of Men (Upper Buvuma Islands)
The vision of the International
Mission Board is to see a multitude from every language, people, tribe and
nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ
Praise and Prayer Request
for the Week 11th—17th April
Thank the Lord with the Herrons for the Past Week 04th—
10th April
(We Praise God for)
- Collaborative work with Medical Missionary in bringing
the Gospel and medical care to the Upper Buvuma Islands
- Work done in connection with upcoming mission teams
- Securing resources to obtain Tools and Seed for Island Team coming early June
- Developing a budget and itinerary, and discussing with team leader for team in late June early July
- The continual spiritual growth and cooperative from our associated congregations
- The completed construction work to our island house (fence construction)
- The utilization of discipleship training on the islands
- The positive responses with local officials to introduce a missionary physician for ministry on the islands after meeting with Buvuma Island District Leadership this past week
- Traveling grace as the Herrons traveled around Jinja Town Uganda the past week
Pray for the Herrons
This Week
11th—17 April 2016
- Our continual efforts to secure US VISA for Madison
- Pray for Uganda Baptist Seminary as they continue this term
- Pray for the leadership as many complicated decisions has to be made
- Pray for the students as they learn and are used for Christ throughout East Africa
- Continue to pray for the pastor and congregation of Kiko Baptist Church which suffered damage to their facilities after a strong storm
- The Pastor’s wife suffered medical problems
- How we can assist in providing assistance to this congregation in their time of need
- Implementation of ministry plans for 2016
- Implementation of plans for mission teams this year
- Implementation strategies resulting in involving more Christians in discipling and evangelism
- Traveling grace as we travel to around Jinja and on the islands this week
- James traveling to Kyanda Landing Site Tuesday and Saturday
- Pray for our continual language learning
- Our commitment to sharing Christ in Luganda this week
- Our witness to our Language teacher
Thanks for your prayerful
In HIS service
and Sonya Herron
"...before me was a great multitude that no one
could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...." Revelation
7:9 (NIV)