There were questions following our last post about the shower on the island. A ladder leads to the top of the shower where water is poured into the black barrel. The heat from the day's sun warms the water throughout the day. Prior to taking a shower, heated water is poured into the barrel and the shower head delivers a toasty warm shower. This is definitely a necessity because there is lots of dust and dirt. Actually, we've never been as dirty as we've gotten during a day of walking on the island.
Missionary George is an engineer and he has creatively made the island accomodations relatively comfortable. We have solar power so we have lights and can even use our computers.
The dirt and dust is everywhere. To the left is a termite mound. Termites are everywhere on the island and pose a continuing problem in maintaining the buildings on the compound. The buildings, unless they are brick, will need to be replaced after about 4 years because of termite damage.